My son is working through some vision issues, and one of the exercises his vision therapist has him do is called "saccades", basically quick movements of the eyes in the same direction. She gave us a web site that had an animated gif that sequentially displayed a bunch of lines of numbers, at varying distances apart.
This was quite boring for my son, so my wife had an idea for me to make a version of this with pictures of things that he liked. He absolutely LOVES this version of the "game", and wants to play it all the time!
The exercise randomly displays 20 images at varying distances (five lines with four images per line), and can include the same image more than once. The speed can be adjusted before the run, or in progress.
From what I understand, the important part of the exercise is just to track and identify sequentially revealed items at the same pace, but at varying distances apart. I would love to hear from any vision therapists out there, though, to make sure that this is correct, and that a graphical version still satisfies the objective. Our therapist is out for a few weeks, so I can't ask her about it now, but I'll update the post when I get any new information.
If you want to try it out yourself,
here's a zip file (under the Google Docs icon, click "File" --> "Download Original") with the code and a few sample images. It's set up to go with 30 random images, but it's easily customizable if you want to use your own images, or add more. To run it, just unzip the .zip file, and double-click on the .html file that best fits your screen.
In the meantime, I'm working on getting the exercise set up on its own web site, but I'm having a hard time finding a free web site provider that allows HTML.
Technically, this was a breeze to do with jQuery. I define an array of images, and use code similar to JavaScript built-in "setTimeout", but with the ability to adjust the interval in progress (thanks,
Peter Bailey, for the brilliant
function). The key lines are:
vi = setVariableInterval(function() {
if (currentItem == 20) {
randomSpacer = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPixelLength) + minPixelLength;
randomPicture = Math.floor(Math.random() * pictures.length);
replacementPic = "<img class='p' src='" + pictures[randomPicture].src + "' width='100' height='75' style='margin-left: " + randomSpacer + "px;' />";
}, initialInterval);
"randomSpacer" and "randomPicture" create random numbers up to the defined maximums. And the jQuery line just replaces each placeholder with a random image. "pics" lets me access via index all images that use the "p" class (they are initially set up with placeholders).